Isolat EGCG Teh Hijau Klon GMB4 Menurunkan Ekspresi Protein Faktor Transkripsi C/EBPα dan Kadar Leptin pada Kultur Sel Preadiposit Visceral Tikus EGCG Green Tea GMB4 Clone Isolate Decrease Transcription Factor Protein C/EBPα Expression and Leptin Level on Preadipocytes Culture Cell of Rat Visceral

Catechin compound of green tea (Camelia sinensis) GMB 4 clone isolate can be developed as potential theurapetic agent for obesity. The research aim to determine the effect of EGCG green tea GMB4 clone isolate to transcription factor protein C/EBPα expression and level of leptin protein on preadipocytes cultur of rat visceral. ELISA method used to measure the leptin level and immunohistochemistry to count the trascription factor protein C/EBPα expression. Culture of Preadipocytes cell of rat visceral isolated from Rattus norvegicus wistar grown in the medium of adipogenic and exposed with green tea catechin compound (Camelia sinensis) from GMB4 clone concentrate dose 0, 50 µM, 100 µM, and 200 µM. The lowest C/EBPα expression found in the EGCG isolate concentration of 200 µM. Leptin level decrease as the raising dose of EGCG. The lowest leptin level found in EGCG dose 200 µM. The research concluded that EGCG green tea isolate of GMB4 clone significantly decrease transription factor protein C/EBPα on the culture of visceral preadipocytes rat on 200 µM concentration and decrease leptin protein level on concentration of 50 µM, 100 µM, dan 200 µM.
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