Tilapia: biology, culture, and nutrition.

* About the Editors * Contributors * Preface * Acknowledgments * Chapter 1. Biology (William L. Shelton and Thomas J. Popma) * Introduction * Taxonomic Relationships * Biogeography * Bionomics and Life History * Environmental Biology * Chapter 2. Prospect and Potential for Global Production (Kevin Fitzsimmons) * Introduction * Overview of Tilapia Produced for International Trade * Regional Production and Markets * Industry Predictions and Outlook * Chapter 3. Control of Growth: Developments and Prospects (Brian S. Shepherd, Gregory M. Weber, Mathilakath M. Vijayan, Andre Seale, Larry G. Riley, M. Fernanda Rodriguez, N. Harold Richman III, Tetsuya Hirano, and E. Gordon Grau) * Introduction * Relevance of Neuroendocrine Research to Tilapia Aquaculture * Hormonal Control of Growth in Tilapia * Nonhormonal Control of Growth in Tilapia * Novel Approaches to Growth Enhancement * Conclusions * Chapter 4. Recent Directions in Genetics (C. Greg Lutz) * Traditional Animal Breeding Approaches * Artificial Spawning: Implications for Genetic Improvement * Chromosomal Manipulations * Transgenic Tilapia * Molecular Discrimination/Characterization and Gene Mapping * Chapter 5. Fingerling Production Systems (Bartholomew W. Green) * Introduction * Production Methodologies * Interspawning Interval * Incubation * Fry Rearing * Hatchery-Phase Fishing Health Management * Fingerling Nursery Rearing * Chapter 6. Hormone Manipulation of Sex (Ronald P. Phelps) * Introduction * Chemicals Used to Direct Gonadal Differentiation * Mode of Hormone Action--Or Why Sex Reversal Works * Fish Species Evaluated * Protocols for Sex Reversal of Tilapia with Hormone-Treated Feed * Sex Reversal of Tilapia Through Immersion (Bath) Treatments * Evaluation of Treatment Efficacy * Factors Affecting Sex Reversal * Anabolic Considerations * Food Safety and Environmental Considerations * Conclusions * Chapter 7. Pond Production (Bartholomew W. Green and C. Bauer Duke III) * Introduction * Species Selection * Earthen versus Lined Ponds * Production Strategies * Chapter 8. Culture in Flowing Water (Richard W. Soderberg) * Introduction * Flow-Through Culture Systems * Serial Reuse Systems * Closed Systems * Summary * Chapter 9. Cage Culture (H. R. Schmittou) * Introduction * Principles of Cage Fish Culture: Fundamentals * Fish Stock Quality and Quantity * Water Environments and Water Quality * Feeds and Feeding * Health of Caged Tilapia * Environmental Impact of Cage Fish Culture * Chapter 10. Farming Tilapia in Saline Waters (Wade O. Watanabe, Kevin Fitzsimmons, and Yang Yi) * Introduction * History of Saltwater Tilapia Culture * Methods for Measuring Salinity Tolerance in Tilapia * Morphological and Physiological Measures of Salinity Tolerance/Hypoosmoregulatory Ability * Reproductive Performance at Various Salinities * Experimental Saltwater Culture of Florida Red Tilapia * Grow-Out from Fingerling to Marketable Size * Comparison of Saline-Tolerant Species Under Saltwater Culture * Diseases Encountered During Culture in Saltwater * Economics and Marketing * Potential for Unwanted Introduction of Tilapia into Marine Waters * Genetic Issues in the Use of Red Hybrid Tilapia * Cold Tolerance * Chapter 11. Management of Bottom Soil Condition and Pond Water and Effluent Quality (Claude E. Boyd) * Introduction * Bottom Soils * Water Quality * Effluents * Chapter 12. Nutrient Requirements (Chhorn E. Lim and Carl D. Webster) * Introduction * Proteins and Amino Acids * Energy * Lipids and Fatty Acids * Carbohydrates * Vitamins * Minerals * Conclusion * Chapter 13. Nonnutrient Components of Fish Diets (Steven G. Hughes, Chhorn E. Lim, and Carl D. Webster) * Introduction * Antioxidants * Feeding Stimulants and Metabolic Modifiers * Fiber and Pellet Binders * Hormones * Pigments * Probiotics and Neutraceuticals * Enzymes * Water * Toxins and Antinutritional Factors * Chapter 14. Feed Formulation and Manufacture (Menghe H. Li, Chhorn E. Lim, and Carl D. Webster) * Introduction * Feed Ingredients * Feed Formulation * Least-Cost Feed Formulation * Feed Manufacturing Process * Quality Control * Type of Feed * Chapter 15. Feeding Practices (Chhorn E. Lim, Carl D. Webster, and Menghe H. Li) * Introduction * Feeds * Practices * Chapter 16. Parasites and Diseases (Craig A. Shoemaker, De-Hai Xu, Joyce J. Evans, and Phillip H. Klesius) * Introduction * Protozoan Parasites * Metazoan Parasites * Parasitic Crustacea * Viral Diseases * Fungal Infections * Bacterial Diseases * Conclusions * Chapter 17. Streptococcal Vaccinology in Aquaculture (Phillip H. Klesius, Joyce J. Evans, Craig A. Shoemaker, and David J. Pasnik) * Introduction * Development of Streptococcal Vaccines * Piscine Immunity * Factors Affecting Vaccine Efficacy * Conclusions * Chapter 18. Harvest, Handling, and Processing (Kevin Fitzsimmons) * Introduction * Postharvest Handling and Processing * Processing for International Markets * Processing in the United States * Chapter 19. Marketing and Economics (Carol R. Engle) * Introduction * Tilapia Markets and Marketing * Costs of Producing Tilapia * Index * Reference Notes Included
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