[Intubating laryngeal tube suction disposable: Initial clinical experiences with a novel device for endotracheal intubation].

According to the recent guidelines supraglottic airways, such as laryngeal tubes are recommended to ensure oxygenation in patients with unexpected difficult airways. The novel Intubating Laryngeal Tube Suction Disposable (iLTS-D) is a modified laryngeal tube designed for secondary tracheal intubation. This pilot study evaluated the use of the iLTS-D in clinical practice with respect to practicality and efficacy.In this study the airways of 30 consecutive adult patients with no evidence of a difficult airway undergoing elective ear, nose and throat (ENT) surgery were managed with the iLTS-D. After induction of anesthesia the iLTS-D was placed in position and checked for correct ventilation. Following muscle relaxation, endotracheal intubation through the iLTS-D was performed under continuous visualization using a flexible bronchoscope. Finally, the iLTS-D was removed leaving the endotracheal tube in place. Data were collected anonymously as part of a quality assurance program. Publication of the data was approved by the institutional review board.Initial iLTS-D placement took a median of 17 s (range 12-90 s) and provided sufficient ventilation in all patients; however, the position of the iLTS-D needed to be adjusted in four patients. Endotracheal intubation through the iLTS-D was achieved in 29 out of 30 patients at the first attempt (n = 23) or after 2 attempts (n = 6) and the median time required for intubation was 32 s (range 18-187 s). In five patients no laryngeal structures could initially be identified by bronchoscopy. Blind endotracheal intubation through the iLTS-D was performed in two cases and in two other patients the endotracheal tube was also blindly advanced but into the esophagus. After removal of the endotracheal tube and repositioning of the iLTS-D, successful tracheal intubation was subsequently achieved under bronchoscopic vision. The procedure was aborted and uneventful conventional intubation using direct laryngoscopy was carried out in one patient. The median time for removal of the iLTS-D after successful intubation was 20 s (range 15-80 s). Minor blood stains on the iLTS-D were observed in three patients. With one exception, all problems and adverse events occurred during the first 10 patients.This first clinical study demonstrated that in patients with apparently normal airways and in the hands of users without previous experience, the iLTS-D allowed sufficient ventilation in all patients and had a high success rate for subsequent endotracheal intubation. The results are, however, preliminary until confirmed by further studies, particularly in patients with difficult airways.
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