Quality and Context Awareness Intention Web Service Ontology

With the growing number of web service availablein web, selecting web service that satisfies the users need isbecome more difficulties. So to deal with the problem, numerousapproaches are proposed. Some approaches are interested tointegrate the Quality of Service (QoS) to select the suitableservice. The QoS plays an important role in the discovery andselection process of web services within many similar functionalservices. Other approaches are interested to integrate the notionof adaptation to select services that satisfies the users context.Finally other approaches are interested to satisfy the goal ofusers by integrate the notion of goal. In our opinion, thesethree approaches are complementary. Such as the satisfactionof intentions user is meaningful only if it meets in user contextand the service possesses a better QoS. In this paper we proposea quality and context awareness intention web service ontology.This ontology extends the OWL-S by the three notion intention,context and QoS.
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