History does not stand in a single file. 100 works, 100 years, 100 creative women in Europe

The article introduces the catalogue of the MoMoWo international travelling exhibition "100 Works, 100 Years, 100 Women" explaining its aim, methodology, and criteria for selection. This exhibition is one of the main activity of the project "Women's creativity since the Modern Movement" co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union. One hundred works are displayed in a chronological sequence as clear testimonies to the outstanding quality research and experimentation that has distinguished creativity of one hundred women who worked in Europe as well as European women who worked outside Europe over the last one hundred years. The works belong to the most varied branches of architecture and design including interior, furniture, homeware, lighting, refurbishment, museum and exhibit design, garden design, landscape architecture and urban planning. The selection criteria singled out emblematic and representative works, chosen for their originality in the design process, innovation in the use of materials or building technologies and the ability to identify and represent various interpretations of modernity over time. This book maps out a fascinating and evocative history of tangible European cultural heritage created by women and always considering History as a ‘living matter'. Reflecting the concept of the exhibition, it aims to be a repertory of tangible and intangible cultural ‘signs' capable of fostering comparisons and connections between memory and future, encouraging new mappings of women's creativity in Europe. Hopefully, this book will suggest new historical visions able to include the greatest works by women architects and designers in the mainstream history of architecture and design, thus enriching the discipline.
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