Rebab: A Musical Instrument in Balinese Performing Art

This study is aimed at understanding the existence of rebab as a musical instrument in Balinese performing art. On the other hand, as one of gamelan musical instruments in Bali, rebab which is a unique instrument and can soften the played music has to be concerned and treated the same in Balinese performing art. Unfortunately, it is recently neglected. The questions : 1) why is this instrument getting rid of in Bali performing art; 2) How is it’s implication in Balinese performing art in this global era?The results of this study were completed using qualitative methods. Types and sources of primary data obtained through observation, in-depth interviews and FGDs with informants while in the field. All of the data obtained were analyzed using the theory of aesthetic, practical and structural functional.As a result, the neglected rebab as the musical instrument in Balinese performing art has indirectly led to identity loss, lack of media of ethnic musical creativity and local culture impoverishment in this global era. In this study, it is found that rebab recently lacks of it’s part in Bali performing art because its function is assumed as the secondary instrument or as a supplementary musical instrument which role can be neglected. Moreover, the technique of playing rebab is quite difficult causing many young artists are barely interested in learning the technique of playing it and developing rebab-based song.
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