Evidencias de Validez de la Versión Española de las Sexual Inhibition/Sexual Excitation Scales-Short Form (SIS/SES-SF)

espanolSe examino la validez de la version espanola de l as Sexual Inhibition/Sexual Excitation Scales – Short Form (SIS/SES - SF), relacionando la s con excitacion subjetiva y respuesta genital ante estimulos sexuales. Una muestra de 164 jovenes h eterosexuales completo el SIS/SE S - SF y el MGH - SFQ. Despues realizaron una tarea experimental consistente en la visualizacion de un video de contenido neutro y un video con contenido sexual explicito , mientras se evaluaba la respuesta genital y la excitacion subjetiva. Los resultados mostra ron diferencias significativas entre el video neutro y el erotico en la excitacion objetiva y subjetiva en ambos sexos. Se obtuvieron correlaciones significativas entre SES y excitacion subjetiva en mujeres. La propension a excitarse explico el 18% de la v arianza de la excitacion subjetiva y el 6% de las sensaciones genitales femeninas. La inhibicion sexual relacionada con el miedo a la ejecucion sexual tuvo capacidad para discriminar dificultades en el funcionamiento sexual en ambos sexos. Finalmente, se a vala la necesidad de evaluar conjuntamente la excitacion subjetiva y la objetiva. EnglishPredictive validity of the Spanish ver sion of the Sexual Inhibition/ Sexual Excitation Scales - Short Form (SIS/SES - SF) was examined. We correlated sexual inhibition and sexual excitation with subjective arousal and genital response during exposure to visual erotic sti muli. A sample of 164 heterosexual young people completed the SIS/SES - SF and the MGH - SFQ. Participants performed an experimental sequence in which a neutral content film and an erotic film were presented. In the meantime, genital response and subjective se xual arousal were evaluated. Results showed significant differences between neutral and sexually explicit films in objective and subjective arousal in both men and women. A significant correlation between SES and subjective arousal was obtained in women. P ropensity to become aroused explained 18% of the variance of female subjective arousal and 6% of female genital sensations. Sexual inhibition related to the threat of sexual performance failure was able to discriminate difficulties in sexual functioning in both men and women. Finally, there is a need to assess the subjective sexual arousal along with the objective sexual response.
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