Antimicrobial peptides - New weapons against enteric pathogens

Enteric pathogens are the gastrointestinal organisms spread by the contamination of food. These are gram negative, rod shaped facultative anaerobes causing health problems like UTI and abdominal infections etc in an individual. Some organisms produced antimicrobial compounds which has broad spectrum of inhibition against pathogens and food spoilage organisms.LAB possess wide range of antimicrobial activity inhibiting FBP. LAB constitutes the diverse group of gram positive bacteria. Lactic acid bacteria are basically categorized into two types' viz., homofermenters and heterofermenters. They ferment glucose and produce lactic acid as a major product. It basically includes the genera Lactocococcus, Streptococus,Pedicococcus. Heterofermenter produce no. of products like lactic acid, CO2 and ethanol from glucose includingLeuconostoc, Lactobacillus etc. he most LAB were used effectively against A.hydrophila, B.cereus, S.aureus and Proteus sp. Commercial Nisin exhibits diverse mode of action towards sensitive organisms.
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