Ardabil to viticulture zoning capability using ANP method

crop production and agricultural potential in each region depends on the weather and climatic features. Grapes in ardabil province is one of the important horticultural crops currently under cultivation in 2234 hectares of land in the province this plant. Based on this study fo idenntify the regional capabiilities in the cultivation and production of grapes is done using ANP. In this regard, the use of spatial charactevistics such as slope, land use and meteorological variables such as temperature rainfall and relative humidity of the four stations in the study area are extracted ArcGIS was transferred to the environment and were weighting using ANP method. Then, based on the criteria and model overlay layer in the GIS environment. The final layer was preparing land evaluation for viticulture. And the results show that the proportion of land for viticulture, the 4-storey high limit, medium limitation, low limit and no limit is indivisible and zoning.based in the analysis if land in the study area based on the potential climate and environ ment for viticulture 19/05 of the land without restrictions, 29/26% of the land with few limitations, 12/39% of the land with moderate limitation and 39/28% of the land with restric tions is high. The final results obtained from this study is that farts of the west in the Region compared to other region of the province meshgin conditions are more favorable for viticulture.
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