The properties of the heterogeneous Shakhbazyan groups of galaxies in the SDSS

We present a systematic study of the sub-sample of Shakhbazyan groups (SHKs) covered by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release–5 (SDSS-5). SHKs probe an environment with characteristics which are intermediate between those of loose and very compact groups. Surprisingly, we found that several groups identifying algorithms (e.g. Berlind et al. 2006, Tago et al. 2008) miss this type of structures. Using the SDSS5 spectroscopic data and the photometric redshifts derived in D’Abrusco et al. (2007), we identified possible group members in photometric redshift space and derived, for each group, several individual properties (richness, size, mean photometric redshift, fraction of red galaxies etc.). We also combined pointed and stacked Rosat All Sky Survey (RASS) data to investigate the X-ray luminosities of these systems. Our study confirms that the majority of groups are physical entities with richness in the range 3–13 galaxies, and properties ranging between those of loose and compact groups. We confirm that SHK groups are richer in early-type galaxies than the surrounding environment and the field, as expected from the morphology-density relation and from the selection of groups of red galaxies. Furthermore, our work supports the existence of two sub-classes of structures, the first one being formed by compact and isolated groups and the second formed by extended structures. We suggest that while the first class of objects dwells in less dense regions like the outer parts of clusters or the field, possibly sharing the properties of Hickson Compact Groups, the more extended structures represent a mixture of [core+halo] configurations and cores of rich clusters. X-ray luminosities for SHKs are generally consistent with these results and with the expectations for the LX σv relation, but also suggest the velocity dispersions reported in literature are underestimated for some of the richest systems.
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