Primary and Metastatic Tracheal Tumors with Airway Stenosis

Since 1980, we began applying fiberoptic bronchoscopic Nd-YAG laser treatment fortracheal-carinal tumors. Endoscopic Nd-YAG laser treatment and adjuvant therapy wereperformed in 16 cases of primary tracheal tumor (12 malignant lesions and 4 benign lesions) and 39 cases of metastatic tracheal lesions. For 28 cases presenting severe respiratory distress, the procedure was performed as an emergency life-saving procedure and dramatic improve-ment in condition was seen in 26 cases (92. 9%) . Twenty seven cases were treated by stagedlaser reduction of the residual airway lesion. Effectiveness was observed in 24 cases (88. 9%) . In these cases, after Nd-YAG laser treatment for ventilatory improvement, local or systemicadjuvant therapy was performed. Local adjuvant therapy was performed in 29 cases, 11 caseswere treated surgically (4 tracheoplasties and 10 treacheal tube stent operations) and 28 casesunderwent radiotherapy.In addition to these cases, there were 5 cases who underwent tracheal resection withoutpreoperative Nd-YAG laser treatment. These 5 cases consisted of 3 tracheal tumors and 3metastatic lesions from the thyroid gland.Bronchoscopic Nd-YAG laser treatment is a relatively new method for the treatment oftracheal or carinal tumor with ventilatory disturbance due to airway stenosis.
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