Avaliação diagnóstica da laparoscopia associada à análise do líquido intraperitoneal nas lesões intra-abdominais provocadas por arma de ar comprimido: estudo experimental em cães

The high incidence of death as a result of injuries by firearms contributed to the introduction of new diagnostic techniques. Such as the use of videolaparoscopy emergency situations. The present experiment intends to evaluate the efficacy of laparoscopy associated with the analysis of intraperitoneal liquid by Gram-stainingm as wekk as ti measure the accuracy, sensitivity and specificity of videolaparoscopy compared to exploratory laparotomy in the diagnostic of intraabdominal lesions. Twenty dogs were submitted to abdominal penetrating trauma by air-gun close to the abdominal wall. During videolaparoscopy, a systematic evaluation of the abdominal cavity was performed and material for Gram-stain was collected. Videolaparoscopy was followed by exploratory laparotomy and results of both methods were compared, and accuracy, sensitivity and specificity calculated. Videolaparoscopy showed an accuracy of 88,29%, a sensitivity of 88,29% and a specificity of 100%. The positive predictive value of Gram-stain was 100%. It can be concluded that videolaparoscopy is efficient in the diagnosis of a large number of intraabdominal lesions induced by air-gun in hemodynamically stable dogs. Nevertheless, some lesions localized in mesentery, small intestine, colon, spleen, left kidney and vascular structures evident by exploratory laparotomy remained undetected by videolaparoscopy. Concomitant analysis of intraperitoneal liquid by Gram-staining can increase the efficacy and decrease the possibility of missing in the diagnosis of such lesions.
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