Solid-phase time-resolved fluorescence detection of human immunodeficiency virus polymerase chain reaction amplification products

Abstract A new assay system for the detection of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification products is presented. This single-pot sandwich assay system employs solid-support oligonucleotide-coated capture beads, a rare earth metal chelate-labeled probe, and a time-resolved fluorescence detection. The new assay system was evaluated for various reaction conditions including, DNA denaturation time, hybridization salt concentration, probe concentration, and hybridization time, all of which are important in designing an assay with a high level of sensitivity for the detection of duplex DNA. This nonisotopic assay system was applied to the detection of purifled human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) DNA and sensitivity was compared with agarose gel electrophoresis and slot blot hybridization using a 32 P-labeled probe. We were able to detect the amplified product from one copy of HIV DNA after 35 cycles of PCR amplification in less than 30 min using this assay, which compared with one copy by gel electrophoresis after 40 cycles of PCR amplification and one copy by slot blot hybridization after 35 cycles of PCR amplification and an overnight exposure of the autoradiogram. Thus, this assay is rapid, sensitive, and easy to use.
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