Evaluation of a new eLearning platform for distance teaching of microsurgery Évaluation de l'enseignement à distance dans l'apprentissage de la microchirurgie : à propos d'une nouvelle plateforme de e-learning

Online learning (or eLearning) is in constant evolution in medicine. An analytical survey of the websites of eight academic societies and medical schools was carried out. These sites were evaluated against parameters that define the quality of an eLearning website, as well as the shareable content object reference model (SCORM) technical standards. All studied platforms were maintained by a webmaster and regularly updated. Only two platforms had teleconference opportunities, five had courses in PDF format, and four allowed online testing. Based on SCORM standards, only four platforms allowed direct access without a password. The content of all platforms was adaptable, interoperable and reusable. But their sustainability was difficult to assess. In parallel, we developed the first eLearning platform to be used as part of a university diploma in microsurgery in France. The platform was evaluated by students enrolled this diploma program. A satisfaction survey and platform evaluation showed that students were generally satisfied and had used the platform for microsurgery education, especially the seven students living abroad. ELearning for microsurgery allows the content to be continuously updated, makes for fewer classroom visits, provides easy remote access, and especially better training time management and cost savings in terms of travel and accommodations. # 2015 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
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