Asma Petri Hastalığının Savaşımında Sıcak Su Uygulamasının Etkililiği Üzerinde Araştırmalar

Former studies in a research project on the Petri disease in vineyards has revealed that grafted-rooted vine saplings produced in nurseries in Aegean Region were infected by Phaeoacremonium oleophilum and Phaeomoniella chlamydospora, the causal agents of Petri disease. Depending on this evidence, firstly in vitro effect of the hot water applications on the mycelial growth of the pathogens was examined and thresholds for the development on agar in temperature-time combinations were determined. Hereafter, the effect of the selected temperature-time combinations on the root and shoot growth and decontamination of infected vine cuttings in pots in climate chamber investigated and it was found that, the temperature-time combination of 50-51 oC/ 30’ provided the best result for the decontamination of the cuttings, however growth of treated cuttings in pots was negatively affected
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