Effect of ruminal lactic acid-utilizing bacteria on adaptation of cattle to high-energy rations.

: Heifers, unadapted to a concentrate ration, were intraruminally inoculated (1 dose) with cultures of ruminal lactic acid-utilizing bacteria or with ruminal fluid from a steer adapted to a concentrate ration. Inoculation with cultures (1 L) of Selenomonas ruminantium or Megasphaera elsdenii did not produce better average daily weight gains or feed efficiency of heifers fed a high-energy ration for 21 days, if these values were compared with the performance of noninoculated heifers. Average daily weight gain and feed efficiency of heifers inoculated with 1 L of Peptococcus asaccharolyticus culture or with 1 L of adapted ruminal fluid and fed a high-energy ration for 21 days were better if these values were compared with the performance of noninoculated heifers.
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