Alfabetização de jovens e adultos: desafios do século 21

Expoe as orientacoes de uma pesquisa sobre educacao popular no Brasil. A educacao popular, nessa pesquisa, e examinada sob a perspectiva das orientacoes e dos objetivos das instituicoes e dos grupos que se propoem a desenvolve-la junto as massas iletradas. A investigacao apontaria para instituicoes ou setores da coletividade mais ou menos diretamente identificados com um projeto de construcao da sociedade no futuro. A educacao popular, assim entendida, seria sempre instrumental e estaria comprometida com a formacao de agentes de construcao de um determinado projeto de sociedade. Sob essa perspectiva, examinam-se, sucintamente, a Campanha Nacional de Alfabetizacao de Cuba, de 1961, e a educacao popular promovida pelo Movimento de Cultura Popular (MCP) do Recife, a partir de 1962. Finalmente, apontam-se as orientacoes da pesquisa para os movimentos de educacao popular empreendidos no Brasil apos a Constituicao de 1988. Palavras-chave: educacao popular; educacao de jovens e adultos; politica e educacao. Abstract In this paper the main objects of a rechearch about popular education in Brazil are dealt with. In the research popular education is examined as the result of objetifs and orientations of groups and institutions whose purpose is to expand it to the illiterate masses. The research would point to institutions or sectors of the society directly identified with the project of building it for the future. Popular education thus formulated would always be instrumental and committed with the formation of agents for the constructuion of a certain project of society. Starting from this point of view it is briefly examined two exemplary popular education moviments: Campanha Nacional de Alfabetizacao de Cuba, in 1961, and Movimento de Cultura Popular (MCP) in the Recife, beginning in 1962. As a conclusion some orientations of the research for the popular education moviments, in Brazil, after the 1988 Constitution, are indicated. Keywords: popular education; youth and adult education; politics and education
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