Design and Development of Surgical Guide for Dental Implant Surgery

Use of dental drill guides helps surgeons in improving pre-surgical planning. It could lead to a decline in surgical mistakes and more accurate results. Other uses of these guides are simulation and training. Use of dental drill guides can ensure placement of an implant at the location where there is insufficient bone, chances of collision of drill with the nerve and the drilled hole. Cavities prepared using drill guides are of an exact size as desired, which further results in fewer chances of implant failure and less healing time. A computer-generated surgical guide can provide a link between treatment plan and real surgical treatment by passing on the simulated plan precisely to the surgical site. The targets for the design of dental drill guide are as follows: 1. The accuracy of drilled holes. 2. Temperature control of bone by better circulation of irrigant. 3. Easy to use and adaptable by the surgeons. 4. Economical. 5. Easy to fabricate. 6. Universal and can be used in combination with drilling system of any implant provider.
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