Comparison of radiation protection programs at US power reactors, uranium mills, and low-level waste disposal sites

The accident at the Three Mile Island nuclear power reactor in March 1979 and subsequent investigations identified serious concerns involving several aspects of radiation protection programs in general. Battelle, Pacific Northwest Laboratories was contracted by the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission to characterize and evaluate radiation protection programs at power reactors, uranium mills and commercial low-level waste disposal sites in the United States. These evaluations were termed appraisals because they were structured to facilitate an integrated look at the total radiation protection programs, delve into areas for which explicit regulatory requirements did not exist, and emphasize evaluation of capability and performance rather than compliance with regulations. This paper contains some of the results of 48 power reactor appraisals, 10 uranium mill appraisals and 3 commercial low-level waste disposal site appraisals. The appraisal scope and methodology as well as summary findings and conclusions will be discussed. It was observed from this effort that there is a difference in the adequacy of radiation protection programs as compared between the three types of nuclear facilities. It was observed, based on the risks involved, that the program elements at low-level waste disposal sites and power reactors were substantially better than at the uranium mills.more » 3 references.« less
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