Morphologic Alterations of Epidermal Melanocytes and Melanosomes in PUVA Lentigines: A Comparative Ultrastructural Investigation of Lentigines Induced by PUVA and Sunlight

Ultrastructural studies were conducted in order to determine morphologic and functional differences in melanocytes and melanosomes in PUVA lentigines and solar lentigines, and light-protected buttock skin. Compared to melanocytes in solar lentigines from 7 subjects and light-protected buttock skin from 5 subjects (none of these subjects had received UV radiation therapy), melanocytes in PUVA lentigines from 6 subjects generally had longer and more numerous dendrites, and showed more active melanogenesis. Basal keratinocytes in PUVA lentigines had a significantly increased frequency of large, single melanosomes, and revealed significantly larger individual melanosomes within compound melanosomes. Other findings in some PUVA lentigines included the close apposition of Langerhans cells to melanocytes, and atypical nuclear, cytoplasmic, and melanosomal alterations, including melanosomal pleomorphism and melanin macroglobules. The presence of relatively large and predominantly single melanosomes in basal keratinocytes of PUVA lentigines suggests more active melanogenesis and/or an irreversible somatic alteration. It will be important to determine the clinical course and ultrastructural findings of PUVA lentigines that persist long after PUVA is discontinued.
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