Emergency Wildlife Management Response to Protect Evidence Associated with the Terrorist Attack on the World Trade Center, New York City

"There were days that you would come up here and you see some of the most magnificent sunrises and some of the most magnificent sunsets you could see. And then there were days you would come up here and it stinks of methane and days you come up here and it just sinks of death. Death has a very distinct odor. You would come here and the entire hill would just stink and reek of death. The track vehicles and heavy equipment blowing by and the whole hill shakes as they go by. The constant noise of the machinery running and the debris being moved from one place to another. The Department ofAgriculture setting off the fireworks continually to keep the birds away. And it's not your nice peaceful view of sitting along the beach, watching seagulls fly by. These were nasty birds and they were very aggressive. We knew what piles were rich in body parts by the way the seagulls descended on it. And you would have to fight the seagulls for the human remains. It was just constant noise. You go home with the beep, beep, beep in your head of the trucks going back andforth and going backwards."
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