The moderating effect of environmental turbulence on the relationship between innovation capability and business performance

This study has dealt with the gap in the literature, by probing the influence of innovation capability on business performance. This paper aims to test the moderation role of technological turbulence (TT) and market turbulence (MT) on the relationship between innovation capability (IC) and business performance (BP).,The study used a quantitative survey and a sample size of 579 departmental heads. Branch managers and permanent staff from the Greater Accra, Ashanti and Western Region in the Ghana telecommunication sector. The obtained data was analysed through the STATA 15.0 and AMOS statistical software package.,The empirical results from multiple linear regressions revealed that product/service innovation, process innovation, marketing innovation and administrative innovation had positive effects on business performance. The outcome of the moderation analysis further shown that technological turbulence positively moderates the relationship that existed between the various constructs of innovation capability and business performance indicating that technological turbulence significantly strengthens the relationship between these variables. On the contrary, market turbulence significantly weakens the relationship between the various innovation capability constructs and business performance.,Although this research has made significant contributions to both theory and practice, there are certainly some limitations and future research directions that need to be considered to appropriately position the study findings. Firstly, because of the limited sample size (579), further testing of these constructs needs to be carried out in future research using alternative data. Related to this, it would be prudent if the instruments and models developed in this research were tested in different industry contexts. Also, because the Ghana telecommunication sector is made up of foreign companies, comparative research could be conducted to compare the IC and performance of Ghana and the other countries where these companies operate. Indeed, analyses of IC and BP associated with the same companies in different countries may prove to be very beneficial in the global context. Secondly, this research used only TT and MT to test the moderating effect of ET on the association of IC with BP. Future research can include competition intensity which may change or confirm the outcome of these studies. Thirdly, only qualitative data were used for the measurement of IC and the level of BP. Therefore, future research could use quantitative or both qualitative and quantitative data to confirm if there will be significant differences in the results obtained.,Literature has examined the moderation effect of ET on different variables and relationships in different organizational settings. This study has tried to analyse the moderating effect of ET on the relationship of IC with BP. The outcomes of this study are similar to the previous research studies mentioned above, however, limited studies have been conducted on IC and its relationship with BP in the context of ET especially in the most vibrant sector of Ghana’s economy. These findings are very innovative and contribute enormously to literature and knowledge by indicating which moderating ET positively and significantly strengthens and the type which weakens the existing relationship between IC and BP within the Ghanaian telecommunication sector which no researcher has conducted. These findings will go a long way by aiding the players in this sector to tauten their IC wings to achieve resilient performance around the globe.,This will also contribute to the growth of Ghana’s economy as sources of revenue and employment. Additionally, the results obtained from this study will prompt managers to make more informed and effective decisions regarding innovation activities and the environments in which they operate.,This paper adds knowledge and literature to the existing ones. It is a new development in the research field of Ghana. This is the first journal this study has been submitted.
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