Magnetic Properties of Low-Dimensional r and γ CoV2O6

In this work, we analyze the magnetic properties of the low-dimensional CoV2O6 powders showing monoclinic (R) and triclinic (γ) crystalline structures. The two phases are constitutedofparallel1DCochainsorganized inplanesthatare separated by vanadium oxide thin layers. Both R and γ phases are antiferromagnetic in the ground state with Ntempera- tures of 15 and 7 K, respectively. The magnetization curves recorded at 5 (R phase) and 1.8 K (γ phase) show a stepped variation with sharp field-induced magnetic transitions and a magnetization plateau at one-third of the saturation magnetiza- tion. In R-CoV2O6, additional steps are evidenced when the temperature decreased from 5 to 1.8 K. This is accompanied by an increasing hysteresis corresponding to the magnetic field transitions. From the magnetization curves recorded at different temperatures, amagneticphasediagramcouldbedetermined.TheestimatedComomentislarge andreaches intheRand γphases 4.5 and 3 μB, respectively, suggesting the existence of an orbital contribution in R-CoV2O6.
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