Recomendaciones dietéticas para la mujer en edad reproductiva

: The characteristics of an adequate diet are described and defined. A simple method for the calculation of energy needs of adult, pregnant and lactating women is described. A food exchange list is presented, based on 8 food groups, including ration sizes of every one of them. Group I: cereals and tubercles; Group II: vegetables (according to their energy supply); Group III: fruits (according to their fiber content); Group IV: legumes; Group V: meats and egg (classify according to their lipid content); Group VI: dairy products (divided according to their lipid content); Group VII: lipids (fats and oils) and Group VIII: sugars. The main sources of critical nutrients for women at reproductive age are pointed out, as calcium, iron, folic acid, vitamin C, vitamin B12, vitamin A and carotenes. Some menus are described to illustrate the use of the food exchange list.
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