Endocardite tricuspide sub-aigue du post abortum : a propos d'un cas : online article - case report

Tricuspid infective endocarditis is rare and represents five to 10 % of all cases of infective endocarditis. It occurs predominantly in intravenous drug users, and patients with central venous catheters or intracardiac probes. We report on the case of subacute tricuspid infective endocarditis in a girl of 17 years. She had no particular cardiovascular history. She was admitted for a persistent fever with cachexy, cough and thoracic pains, and right heart failure that appeared one month after a clandestine abortion. Transthoracic echocardiography found several vegetations on the tricuspid valve with massive tricuspid regurgitation. The chest X-ray showed bilateral excavated lung abscesses and condensation areas. Blood culture was not done and broad-spectrum antibiotic therapy was given. She was apyretic after 10 days. However, the massive tricuspid regurgitation with right heart failure persisted. She was discharged from hospital after 40 days of treatment. Although rare, infective endocarditis is one of the more serious complications of gynaecological procedures, particularly clandestine abortion. Therefore any young girl with persistent fever must be suspected of clandestine abortion.
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