Oblique crushing performances of hybrid woven Kenaf fibre reinforced aluminium hollow cylinder

This paper presents crushing performances of hybrid woven kenaf fibre reinforced aluminium tubes under axial and oblique compression. According to open literature, lack number of works conducted to study the crushing responses when kenaf fibre in the form of woven is used to reinforce aluminium tubes. There are important parameters are used such as fibre orientations and oblique compression angles. Kenaf fibre in the form of woven is firstly wetted with polyester resin before it is wrapped around the tubes. After composite hardened, the hybrid tubes are quasi-statically compressed and force-displacement curves are recorded. Energy absorption performances are then determined and discussed in term of different fibre orientations and oblique angles. It is found that [±30°] fibre orientations capable to produce higher force-displacement responses and hybrid tubes are produced lower force ratio indicating the role of natural fibre in increasing the capability of energy absorptions.
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