Physically-based structural modeling of a typical regenerative tissue analog bridges material macroscale continuum and cellular microscale discreteness and elucidates the hierarchical characteristics of cell-matrix interaction

Abstract This paper presents a comprehensive physically-based structural modelling for the passive and active biomechanical processes in a typical engineered tissue – namely, cell-compacted collagen gel. First, it introduces a sinusoidal curve analog for quantifying the mechanical response of the collagen fibrils and a probability distribution function of the characteristic crimp ratio for taking into account the fibrillar geometric entropic effect. The constitutive framework based on these structural characteristics precisely reproduces the nonlinearity, the viscoelasticity, and fairly captures the Poisson effect exhibiting in the macroscale tensile tests; which, therefore, substantially validates the structural modelling for the analysis of the cell-gel interaction during collagen gel compaction. Second, a deterministic molecular clutch model specific to the interaction between the cell pseudopodium and the collagen network is developed, which emphasizes the dependence of traction force on clutch number altering with the retrograde flow velocity, actin polymeric velocity, and the deformation of the stretched fibril. The modelling reveals the hierarchical features of cellular substrate sensing, i.e. a biphasic traction force response to substrate elasticity begins at the level of individual fibrils and develops into the second biphasic sensing by means of the fibrillar number integration at the whole-cell level. Singular in crossing the realms of continuum and discrete mechanics, the methodologies developed in this study for modelling the filamentous materials and cell-fibril interaction deliver deep insight into the temporospatially dynamic 3D cell-matrix interaction, and are able to bridge the cellular microscale and material macroscale in the exploration of related topics in mechanobiology.
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