Molecular Dynamics Simulations of a Characteristic DPC Micelle in Water.

We present the first comparative molecular dynamics investigation for a dodecylphosphocholine (DPC) micelle performed in condensed phase using the CHARMM36, GROMOS53A6, GROMOS54A7, and GROMOS53A6/Berger force fields and a set of parameters developed anew. Our potential consists of newly derived RESP atomic charges, which are associated with the Amber99SB force field developed for proteins. This new potential is expressly designed for simulations of peptides and transmembrane proteins in a micellar environment. To validate this new ensemble, molecular dynamics simulations of a DPC micelle composed of 54 monomers were carried out in explicit water using a “self-assembling” approach. Characteristic micellar properties such as aggregation kinetic, volume, size, shape, surface area, internal structure, surfactant conformation, and hydration were thoroughly examined and compared with experiments. Derived RESP charge values combined with parameters taken from Amber99SB reproduce reasonably well important structu...
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