Do ecodesenvolvimento ao desenvolvimento sustentável: a trajetória de conflitos e desafios para o meio ambiente

O seculo XX foi marcado por avancos cientificos e conquistas tecnologicas que levaram a humanidade a um novo patamar de producao e consumo. Resultados da revolucao industrial e das duas grandes guerras, esses avancos trouxeram muitos beneficios, mas nao sem um preco. A velocidade em que essa nova sociedade crescia, produzia e consumia, comecou a deixar impactos severos nos ecossistemas naturais. Alem disso, a disparidade entre as nacoes desenvolvidas e subdesenvolvidas revelou marcas profundas na relacao entre pobreza e meio ambiente, evidenciando que o modelo de desenvolvimento vigente nao se sustentaria por muito tempo. Coube as Nacoes Unidas o papel de mobilizar as liderancas mundiais para discutirem solucoes visando um novo tipo de desenvolvimento que preservasse os limites do planeta. Conflitos politicos foram inevitaveis. O reestabelecimento dos dialogos veio com o relatorio “Nosso Futuro Comum”, da Comissao Brundtland , que criou o conceito de desenvolvimento sustentavel. A partir disso, a agenda ambiental se tornou objeto importante na definicao de novos estudos e politicas, atrelando o crescimento economico ao modelo sustentavel. O objetivo desse estudo e promover uma reflexao sobre o contexto historico do desenvolvimento sustentavel a partir de sua genese ate o momento atual. Palavras-chave: Recursos naturais. Crescimento economico. Relatorio Brundtland. From eco-development to sustainable development: he journey of conflicts and challenges for the environment Abstract The twentieth century was marked by scientific advances and technological achievements that have led humanity to a new level of production and consumption. Results of the industrial revolution and two world wars, these advances have brought many benefits, but not without a price. The speed at which this new society grew, produced and consumed, began to make profound impacts on natural ecosystems. Moreover, the disparity between rich and poor nations has revealed deep marks in the relation between poverty and environment, showing that the current development model does not sustain for long. The UN's role in this period was to mobilize world leaders to discuss and seek solutions for a new type of development that does not degrade natural resources irreversibly, and preserve the planet's limits. Political conflicts were inevitable. The reestablishment of dialogue came with the report "Our Common Future", the Brundtland Commission, which created the concept of sustainable development. From this, the environmental agenda became an important object in the definition of new studies and policy, linking economic growth to sustainable model. The aim of this study is to promote a reflection on the historical context of sustainable development from its genesis to the present time. Keywords: Natural resources. Economic growth. Brundtland report.
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