Low scale and gauge mediated supersymmetry breaking at the Fermilab Tevatron Run II

The prospects for discovering and studying signals of low-scale supersymmetry breaking models at the Tevatron Run II and beyond are explored. These models include gauge-mediated supersymmetry breaking as the most compelling and concrete realization, but more generally are distinguished by the presence of a nearly massless Goldstino as the lightest supersymmetric particle. The next-lightest supersymmetric particle(s) (NLSP) decays to its partner and the Goldstino. Depending on the supersymmetry breaking scale, these decays can occur promptly or on a scale comparable to or larger than the size of a detector. A systematic analysis based on a classification in terms of the identity of the NLSP and its decay length is presented. The various scenarios are discussed in terms of signatures and possible event selection criteria. The Run II and beyond discovery and exclusion reaches, including the effects of background, are detailed for the most compelling cases. In addition to standard event selection criteria based on missing energy and photons, leptons, jets, taus, tagged b-jets, or reconstructed Z-bosons, more exotic signals of metastable NLSPs such as displaced photons, large negative impact parameter tracks, kink tracks, both opposite and same-sign highly ionizing tracks, time of flight measurements, charge-changing tracks, charge-exchange tracks, and same-signmore » di-top events are investigated. The interesting possibility of observing a Higgs boson signal in events that are efficiently ''tagged'' by the unique signatures of low-scale supersymmetry breaking is also considered.« less
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