Electrostatic and induction effects in the solubility of water in alkanes

Experiments show that at 298~K and 1 atm pressure the transfer free energy, $\mu^{\rm ex}$, of water from its vapor to liquid normal alkanes $C_nH_{2n+2}$ ($n=5\ldots12$) is negative. Earlier it was found that with the united-atom TraPPe model for alkanes and the SPC/E model for water, one had to artificially enhance the attractive alkane-water cross interaction to capture this behavior. Here we revisit the calculation of $\mu^{\rm ex}$ using the polarizable AMOEBA and the non-polarizable Charmm General (CGenFF) forcefields. We test both the AMOEBA03 and AMOEBA14 water models; the former has been validated with the AMOEBA alkane model while the latter is a revision of AMOEBA03 to better describe liquid water. We calculate $\mu^{\rm ex}$ using the test particle method. With CGenFF, $\mu^{\rm ex}$ is positive and the error relative to experiments is about 1.5 $k_{\rm B}T$. With AMOEBA, $\mu^{\rm ex}$ is negative and deviations relative to experiments are between 0.25 $k_{\rm B}T$ (AMOEBA14) and 0.5 $k_{\rm B}T$ (AMOEBA03). Quantum chemical calculations in a continuum solvent suggest that zero point effects may account for some of the deviation. Forcefield limitations notwithstanding, electrostatic and induction effects, commonly ignored in considerations of water-alkane interactions, appear to be decisive in the solubility of water in alkanes.
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