Septicaemic infection with group B streptococci presenting with endophthalmitis in adults.

SUMMARY Metastatic bacterial endophthalmitis is an uncommon and serious infection, that can be caused by a variety of bacteria. Group B streptococci have rarely been impli­ cated. We report four cases of metastatic endophthalmitis in adults caused by group B streptococci. The organisms were isolated from the eyes and blood in each case. Bacterial endophthalmitis is a devastating condition, with a poor visual prognosis and most cases follow surgery or penetrating ocular trauma. 1 Haematogenous spread to the eye (metastatic bacterial endophthalmitis) is much less common, especially in this antibiotic era.2 Group B strep­ tococci have rarely been reported as pathogens in meta­ static endophthalmitis and mostly in neonates.2,3,4 To our knowledge there is only one previously reported adult case.s We report four cases of metastatic endophthalmitis in adults due to group B streptococci: Three presented to the Medical Eye Unit at St. Thomas' Hospital, between
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