Synthesis and Characterization of La 1-XBi XCa 1-YSr YMnO 3 CMR Manganites

Manganese perovskites have been the subject of rene wed interest because of the discovery of colossal magnetoresistance (CMR). For La 1-xCa xMnO 3 (LCMO) a rich phase diagram has been revealed as a function of temperature and doping content (x), whi ch is due to the intricate interplay between charge , spin, orbital and lattice degrees of freedom. Of the seve ral combinations explored until recently, LCMO has attracted wide attention due to its significant colossal magn eto resistance effect, intermediate bandwidth, and exhibition of stable orthorhombic phase for all values of x. In the present investigation, La 1-xBi xCa 1-ySr yMnO 3 (LBCSMO) samples are synthesized by low temperature nitrate route method. The composition and structural proper ties are studied at various concentrations by X-ray Diffract ion (XRD), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS). The structural analysis shows that the LBCSMO is crystallized in an orthorhombic perovskite structure belonging to Pnma space group. The crystal size of the sample is cal culated using Scherrer formula and the unit cell volume is observed to be increase with increasing Bi concentr ation. The morphology of the samples is studied and the corresponding grains are observed to be spherical i n shape. The compositional studies show that the atomic perc entages of elements are nearly stoichiometric.
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