Docosahexaenoic acid transfer into human milk after dietary supplementation: a randomized clinical trial

ˇ Abstract Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) is important for in- fant development. The DHA transfer from maternal diet into human milk has not been investigated in detail. We studied the effects of DHA supplementation on the fatty acid composition of human milk and the secretion of di- etary 13 C-labeled fatty acids, including DHA, into human milk. Ten lactating women were randomized to consume, from 4 to 6 weeks postpartum, an oil rich in DHA (DHASCO™, 200 mg of DHA/day) (n 5 5) or a placebo oil (n 5 5). Dietary intakes were followed by 7-day protocols. On study day 14 a single dose of (U- 13 C)DHASCO™ was given orally, milk samples were collected over 48 h, and milk production was recorded. Milk fatty acid composition was determined by gas-liquid chromatography and isoto- pic enrichment was determined by gas chromatography- combustion-isotope ratio mass spectrometry (GC-C-IRMS). Milk DHA content did not differ between the supplemented and placebo group at study entry (0.29 vs. 0.28 wt%, me- dian). After 2 weeks of supplementation the milk DHA con- tent was almost 2-fold higher in the supplemented versus placebo group (0.37 vs. 0.21 wt%, P 5 0.003). Cumulative recovery of ( 13 C)palmitic, ( 13 C)oleic, and ( 13 C)docosa- hexaenoic acids in human milk at 48 h was similar between supplemented and placebo groups (palmitic acid 7.40 vs. 8.14%, oleic acid 9.14 vs. 9.97%, and docosahexaenoic acid 9.09 vs. 8.03% of dose, respectively). Notable lower recov- ery was observed for ( 13 C)myristic acid in both the supple- mented and placebo groups, 0.62 versus 0.77% of dose. Dietary DHA supplementation increases the DHA content in human milk. DHA transfer from the diet into human milk is comparable to palmitic and oleic acid transfer. —Fidler, N., T. Sauerwald, A. Pohl, H. Demmelmair, and B. Koletzko. Docosahexaenoic acid transfer into human milk after di- etary supplementation: a randomized clinical trial. J. Lipid Res. 2000. 41: 1376-1383.
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