Penggunaan Tepung Dan Pasta Dari Beberapa Varietas Ubjalar Sebagai Bahan Baku Mi

Ubijalar dapat menjadi sumber makanan pokok alternatif bagi masyarakat Indonesia. Salah satu alternatif pengolahan ubi jalar adalah dengan mengolahnya menjadi mi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan teknologi pengolahan mi, tanpa terigu dari ubi jalar dalam upaya meningkatkan citra dan nilai tambah ubi jalar. Perlakuan yang diterapkan adalah bentuk olahan setengah jadi dari ubijalar yaitu bentuk tepung dan pasta ubi jalar, serta perlakuan varietas ubi jalar yaitu Kidal (kuning), Ayamurazaki (ungu), Sari (oranye), dan Jago (putih). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rendemen untuk pasta lebih besar karen a masih mengandung air yang tinggi, namun demikian berdasarkan berat kering rendemen pasta (11,79-24,58%) tidak berbeda nyata dibanding tepung (14,47-21,26%). Sifat fungsional pati ubijalar yaitu rasio amilosa dan amilopektin berturut-turut adalah 19,76-24,0% dan 75,12-80,24%, viskositas puncak berkisar antara 72-348BU dan viskositas balik 110-130BU. Mi ubi jalar kering dengan bahan baku tepung ubi jalar dan tapioka (80:20), dan dari pasta ubi jalar dengan tapioka (70:30 tapioka) mempunyai komposisi kimia yang tidak berbeda. Kadar air mi kering yang dihasilkan berkisar 4,63-4,69%, abu 1,31-1,35%, lemak 0,96-1,12, protein 0,28-0,74%, serat 0,58-3,91 % dan pari 29,23-81,38%. Waktu optimum pemasakan mi ubi jalar dari tepung dan pasta 4,04-4,41 menit. Daya serap air mi ubi jalar dari tepung adalah 21,22-60,43% sedangkan dari pasta 53,89-55,08%. Kehilangan padatan akibat pernasakan mi ubi jalar dari tepung (4,43-15,33%) dan pasta 15,03-16,41 %. Uji organoleptik mi dari pasta (nilai kesukaan rata-rata 3,8), secara umum lebih disenangi dibanding dari tepung ubijalar (rata-rata nilai kesukaan 3,5). Panelis paling menyukai produk mi ubi jalar dari varietas Kidal (rata-rata skor 3,95). U s a ge Of Flour And Paste Of Some Varieties Of Sweetpotato As Raw Material For Noodle Sweetpotato can used as alternative of staple food source for Indonesian people. One of alternatives of sweetpotato processing was noodle. The aim of this research was to get processing technology of non­ wheat noodle made from sweetpotato to increase its image and added value. Treatment done were flour, pasta, and sweetpotato varieties; they were Kidal (yellow), Ayamurazaki (purple), Sari (orange), and Jago (white). Yield of pasta was bigger because still contained high level of moisture, however, dry based weight yield of paste (11,79-24,58%) were not significantly different compared to flour (14,47-21,26%). Ratio of amylose and amylopectin were 19,76-24,0% and 75,12-80,24% respectively, peak viscosity 72-348 BU and set-back viscosity 110-130 BU. Sweetpotato dry noodle made from sweetpotalo flour and tapioca (80:20) and from sweetpotato flour pasta and tapioca (70:30) had not from different in chemical compositions. Moisture content of dry noodle were 4,63-4,69%, ash 1,31-1,35%, fat 0,96-1,12%, protein 0,28-0,74%, fiber 0,58-3,91 %, and starch 29,23-81,38%. Cooking optimum time from sweetpotato flour and pasta were 4,04-4,41 minutes. Water absorption power of sweetpotato noodle from flour were 21,22-60,43%, meanwhile from paste were 53,89-55,08%. Loss of solids because of cooking from sweetpotato noodle from flour were 4,43-15,33% and paste 15,03-16,41 %. Organoleptic test of noodle from pasta (rate of hedonic value was 3,8), generally much more preferred by panelists compared to sweetpotato flour (rate of hedonic value was 3,5). The most preferred sweetpotato noodle chosen by panelists was made from Kidal variety (rate of hedonic value was 3,95).
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