Irreversible injury of isolated adult rat myocytes. Osmotic fragility during metabolic inhibition.

Abstract Isolated myocytes can be established as a valid model for studying changes in cytoskeletal proteins during the development of irreversible injury only if isolated cells develop lesions similar to those that occur during irreversible injury to intact hearts, specifically osmotic fragility and subsarcolemmal blebs. In the first experiment, isolated cells were irreversibly injured by metabolic inhibition with 5 mM Iodoacetic acid (IAA) and 6 mM amobarbital (Amy). Osmotic fragility of control and injured cells was determined by comparing the rates of development of trypan blue permeability during 60 minutes of isotonic or hypotonic (50% reduction in osmolality) incubations. Cell morphology was monitored by light and electron microscopy. Control cells remained elongated and excluded trypan blue. Metabolically inhibited cells rapidly contracted to a nearly square shape. The inhibited squared cells initially excluded trypan blue, but during 60 minutes of incubation became permeable to trypan blue. Cells in hypotonic buffer developed blue staining at a more rapid rate than cells in isotonic buffer, indicating increased osmotic fragility. In a second experiment, control and inhibited cells were first incubated for 25 minutes in isotonic buffer and then in either isotonic or hypotonic buffer. In this experiment, inhibited cells also developed more extensive and rapid permeability increases when transferred to the hypotonic buffer than cells maintained in the isotonic buffer. In both experiments, increased permeability of cells to trypan blue was accompanied by formation of subsarcolemmal blebs along the lateral cell border and at the intercalated disks. The results show that metabolically inhibited, isolated myocytes do exhibit morphologic lesions and increased osmotic fragility properties similar to those reported during anoxic or ischemic injury to intact hearts. Therefore, isolated myocytes may be a useful model with which to study cytoskeletal-sarcolemmal membrane changes during development of irreversible injury.
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