Abstract Purpose: This paper presents the power quality improvement using SVC in 14 bus system using Proposed Resonance and Sliding Mode (SM) Controller to improve the power quality.   Methodology: Static Var Compensator is a shunt type reactive power compensation device used to enhance the energy in the distribution system. Minimized power losses, improved power transfer capacity to stabilize the weak system are the main functions of the SVC system. The instantaneous response of SVC is the main important advantage in comparison with mechanically switched compensation devices. SVC is installed at the point of common coupling to improve the reactive power. Findings: SVC is a shunt type reactive power controller to inject reactive power to the grid for the purpose of maintaining required power transmitted from the sender side. Static VAR Compensator is a shunt associated system in parallel with line and It comprises of a TSR or TCR, TSC and filter to inject reactive power to the system. It additionally comprises of different channels for power factor improvement. SVC injects the reactive power to the distribution system using slideing mode controller. The sliding mode controller based SVC system is employed between the source and the load to improve the power quality of the system. Originality/value: The performance of proposed resonance and sliding mode controlled 14 bus SVC system are designed and simulated using MATLAB Simulink. The time domain parameters of closed loop controllers are compared and sliding mode controlled 14 bus SVC system has better peak time and settling time of 0.35 sec and 0.34 sec respectively. The percentage of SMC controlled SVC has less steady state error of 2.3 % in comparison with proposed resonance of 2.6%. The real and reactive power of SMC controlled 14 bus SVC system has better performance to PR controlled SVC system. Fuzzy Logic Controller can be employed further in future to analyze the performance of SVC in multibus system. PR controller controlled 14 bus SVC system circuit diagram is depicted in Figure 8. The combination of resonant term and proportional term forms the proposed resonance controller to eliminate steady state error with high gain around resonant frequency. Figure 9 shows the Voltage at bus 3 of closed loop 14 bus SVC system with PR controller and Figure 10 depicts the RMS voltage at bus-3 of closed loop 14-bus SVC with PR controller. The combination of resonant term and proportional term forms the proposed resonance controller to eliminate steady state error with high gain around resonant frequency. The real & reactive Power at bus-3 of closed loop 14-bus SVC with PR controller and its values are 4200 MW and 13000  MVAR respectively.
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