First Components to Support, to Make Durable and to Control Creative Inputs through Materials and Processes

Creativity in design allows ideas renewal and thus takes part in the dynamism and the longevity of a company. However, the creative individual draws his inspiration in various sources which in our case are technical materials and processes. Our study is an applied research focused on creativity through materials and technical processes. It takes place in a specific context, a French traditional creative family company in the luxury world called Hermcs. Here, materials and now-how are important and designers with different professional profiles mix with. Probably because of their initial training, their approaches and needs towards materials and processes can be different from a designer to another. Materials could be an inspiration source for designers. Because materials concur to give a personality to product, many designers have recourse to material collections which they are private or public, physical or virtual, academic or commercial. The aim of this article is to show what could be the contribution of a material and process space to support and make durable creativity in a creative and multi-field firm.
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