Container and method for recovering metallic element

The objective of the present invention is to provide a container capable of preventing the ingress of impurities into an intended product without compromising strength even when used in a high-temperature area in an environment where oxygen is present. This container has a multilayer structure having an outer-side layer (3), an inner-side layer (1), and a diffusion-preventing layer (2a) between the outer-side layer and the inner-side layer, the inner-side layer being thinner than the outer-side layer, and the diffusion-preventing layer containing an oxide as a main component and describing the shape of a sheet or other molded article. The outer-side layer and the inner-side layer are set apart from one another, the outer-side layer being formed using at least one element selected from Ru, Mo, Re, Nb, Ta, and W. The inner-side layer is formed using one or two alloys of an element selected from Pt, Ir, and Rh, or using an alloy of Au and at least one element selected from Pt, Ir, or Rh. Neither the boundary between the outer-side layer and the diffusion-preventing layer nor the boundary between the inner-side layer and the diffusion-preventing layer is fixed.
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