A control study of MRI and color Doppler ultrasound in the diagnosis of fetal kidney disease

Objective Through the control study of the results of MRI and color Doppler ultrasound in diagnosing fetal kidney diseases, to investigate the clinical application value of MRI in the diagnosis of fetal kidney diseases. Methods Eight pregnant women diagnosed of fetal kidney diseases were examined by Siemens Sonata 1.5T MRI set. Their gestational age were 21-36 W, an average of 29 W, pregnant women aged 23 to 31 years, an average age of 26.5 years. Two longevity radiologists had separately diagnosed the images and comparative analysis two kinds of checking the consistency and differences. Results Eight cases had successfully completed MRI examination in 12-21 min. The fetal kidney diseases were exactly displayed in the two kinds of imaging examination. Conclusions MRI can provide a clear clinical, objective and reliable imaging data in the diagnosis of fetal kidney diseases. MRI will become an alternative way to prove the diagnostic results by ultrasound. MRI should be used widely in the diagnosis of fetal diseases. Key words: Fetal kidney diseases ;  Magnetic resonance imaging ;  Diagnosis ;
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