Expected capacity factors and generation for repowered units: A parametric analysis

The purpose of this report is to document a study conducted for the Office of Clean Coal Technology in the Office of Fossil Energy, US Department of Energy (DOE). The objective was to provide data on capacity factors and electricity generation by power pool for coal-fired units in the United States under various repowering scenarios during the period 1995-2009. The results were used as input to the Clean Coal Technology Evaluation Model (CCTEM). Alternative values for repowering ratios, heat rates, and variable operation and maintenance (O M) costs were used to bound possible repowering technology configurations. Three repowering ratios were select to represent alternative repowering technologies: atmospheric fluidized bed (AFBC, ratio = 1.0), pressurized fluidized bed (PFBC, ratio = 1.5) and integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC, ratio = 2.5). For each repowering ratio, two variable O M costs (2.5 and 6.5 mills/kWh) and three heat rates (7500, 8500, and 9500 Btu/kWh) were defined. A combination of the aforementioned parameters defined the 18 repowering scenarios simulated (three ratios times two variable O M costs times three heat rates). For each repowering scenarios, it was assumed that only a single technology would be adopted and that, to the maximum extent possible, repoweringmore » would serve all future baseload requirements (i.e., maximum repowering); see Sec. 3 for a further definition of the scenarios. In addition to the 18 repowering scenarios, three life-extension scenarios were defined. 18 refs., 6 figs., 5 tabs.« less
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