Integration of ICT Into The Teaching-Learning Process: Toward A Unified Model

Integration of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) into teaching and learning process is a growing field which has variety of definitions according to different points of view. A very common view asserts that the application of ICT processes should be presented in an integrated way as well as concrete model need to be developed for the teachers in order for the integration process to improve students’ learning. Based on the premise that “The integration process should strengthen learning of students” there was a need to present an integrated point of view in the application of these processes and to develop some concrete examples for teachers. Therefore, the main purpose of this study is to develop a model assessing the ICT integration process and helping to improve students’ learning. The primary point that draws attention in the process of the integration of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) should be the broadness of concept of integration itself and the variety of definitions related to ICT integration. This variety should encompass a broad framework from a point of view that regards it sufficient to use ICT in lessons, to; the point of view according to which this process should be routine, permanent and should contribute to the learning process of the student. However, the definition of ICT integration in a broad framework should encompass the permanent use of ICT in the classroom to improve student learning. Many research results presented that ICT integration was not a simple application but a necessity to contribute to the learning process of the students (Cartrwright & Hammond, 2003; Herzig, 2004; Lim and Ching, 2004; Lim et al, 2003; Roblyer, 2003). Thus, the answer given to the question “How should ICT be used in the teaching and learning process so that it contributes to the learning of the student?” becomes increasingly important. The answers given to this question may vary according to two points of view on the integration process. The first is the technological point of view, which supports the integration of technological infrastructures and systems into the educational environment; the second is the pedagogical point of view, which supports the integration of ICT materials and programs in terms of social constructivist learning principles (Richards, 2006). The convergence of pedagogical and technological points of view supports effective connections between suitable technology for content and pedagogical principles to design learning environments. Accordingly, teachers need to know why and how to use ICT applications and resources given the characteristics of learners. However, in a study by Usluel, Mumcu & Demiraslan (2007), it was observed that although teachers stated that they believed in the benefits of the integration of ICT, they did not know how to use ICT in their teaching-learning environments. This result brought about concrete sample applications support provided for teachers except in-service training and technical support and thus a new plan was developed in which ICT was integrated within the teaching and learning process (Haslaman, Mumcu, & Usluel, 2007). This sample plan includes the problem that necessitates the use of ICT in the lesson, the ICT applications and resources, ICT application skills, application strategies as well as reflections and suggestions related to the use of the application. Table 1, shows a sample lesson plan of a 6 th grade mathematics course. Course: Mathematics Class / Duration: 6 th Grade
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