Structure and expression of a pyrimidine gene cluster from the extreme thermophile Thermus strain ZO5.

On a 4.7-kbp HindIII clone of Thermus strain ZO5 DNA, complementing an aspartate carbamoyltransferase mutation in Escherichia coli, we identified a cluster of four potential open reading frames corresponding to genes pyrR, and pyrB, an unidentified open reading frame named bbc, and gene pyrC. The transcription initiation site was mapped at about 115 nucleotides upstream of the pyrR translation start codon. The cognate Thermus pyr promoter also functions in heterologous expression of Thermus pyr genes in E. coli. In Thermus strain ZO5, pyrB and pyrC gene expression is repressed three- to fourfold by uracil and increased twofold by arginine. Based on the occurrence of several transcription signals in the Thermus pyr promoter region and strong amino acid sequence identities (about 60%) between Thermus PyrR and the PyrR attenuation proteins of two Bacillus sp., we propose a regulatory mechanism involving transcriptional attenuation to control pyr gene expression in Thermus. In contrast to pyr attenuation in Bacillus spp., however, control of the Thermus pyr gene cluster would not involve an antiterminator structure but would involve a translating ribosome for preventing formation of the terminator RNA hairpin. The deduced amino acid sequence of Thermus strain ZO5 aspartate carbamoyltransferase (ATCase; encoded by pyrB) exhibits the highest similarities (about 50% identical amino acids) with ATCases from Pseudomonas sp. For Thermus strain ZO5 dihydroorotase (DHOase; encoded by pyrC), the highest similarity scores (about 40% identity) were obtained with DHOases from B. caldolyticus and Bacillus subtilis. The enzyme properties of ATCase expressed from truncated versions of the Thermus pyr gene cluster in E. coli suggest that Thermus ATCase is stabilized by DHOase and that the translation product of bbc plays a role in feedback inhibition of the ATCase-DHOase complex.
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