The real environmental crisis or what happened to government by the people for the people

The present form of government in the US is not capable of dealing with the problems that face this country. The problems are environmental-economic and this article will exclude discussions of oil dependence agriculture nuclear energy and nuclear weapons production. What is left can be divided into 4 major areas. The crisis of overpopulation both worldwide and in the US. Indications are present that the carrying capacity of the US has been exceeded. At the current level of population we are degrading our physical cultural and social environment. Immigration is a large problem in the US and should be cut to replacement levels of frozen. The degradation of water supplies both under and above ground has been caused by inefficiency nonenforcement of laws and regulations growing populations and abuse. The crisis of transportation causes a financial drain caused by a dependence on the automobile. In 1983 it cost Americans $341.8 billion to own cars and auto accidents cost $40 billion. The annual cost for maintaining the nations system of interstate roads is estimated at $140 billion. Finally the degradation of the global ecosystem caused by overpopulation and demands for raw materials and manufactured goods. In addition the release of carbon-dioxide and other greenhouse gases is forever changing the climate of out planet. It is the authors conclusion that the current government in the US and the world for that matter is not capable of solving these problems.
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