Exhibition of stochastic resonance in vestibular tilt motion perception

Abstract Background Stochastic Resonance (SR) is a phenomenon broadly described as “noise benefit”. The application of subsensory electrical Stochastic Vestibular Stimulation (SVS) via electrodes behind each ear has been used to improve human balance and gait, but its effect on motion perception thresholds has not been examined. Objective This study investigated the capability of subsensory SVS to reduce vestibular motion perception thresholds in a manner consistent with a characteristic bell-shaped SR curve. Methods We measured upright, head-centered, roll tilt Direction Recognition (DR) thresholds in the dark in 12 human subjects with the application of wideband 0–30 Hz SVS ranging from ±0–700 μA. To conservatively assess if SR was exhibited, we compared the proportions of both subjective and statistical SR exhibition in our experimental data to proportions of SR exhibition in multiple simulation cases with varying underlying SR behavior. Analysis included individual and group statistics. Results As there is not an established mathematical definition, three humans subjectively judged that SR was exhibited in 78% of subjects. “Statistically significant SR exhibition”, which additionally required that a subject's DR threshold with SVS be significantly lower than baseline (no SVS), was present in 50% of subjects. Both percentages were higher than simulations suggested could occur simply by chance. For SR exhibitors, defined by subjective or statistically significant criteria, the mean DR threshold improved by −30% and −39%, respectively. The largest individual improvement was −47%. Conclusion At least half of the subjects were better able to perceive passive body motion with the application of subsensory SVS. This study presents the first conclusive demonstration of SR in vestibular motion perception.
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