B23 Influence of mycoplasma arginini on inflammatory response and energy metabolism in human cells with and without HTT gene mutation

Background Mycoplasma sp. include the self-replicating bacteria with the smallest genome and cell wall deficiency which need cholesterol for growth, glucose or different metabolites from the host cells. Mycoplasmas can target leukocytes and reach the central nervous system through the blood- brain barrier. Up to now any influence of Mycoplasma on function of cells with HTT mutation is unknown. The aim of the study was to evaluate influence of M. arginini contamination on transcription level of selected 94 genes related to inflammatory response and energy metabolism in human B-lymphoid cells with and without HTT mutation. Material and methods EBV – immortalised human B-lymphoid cells: GM13509 with 70 CAG repeats in HTT and GM14467 unmutated (control) were co-cultured with bacteria (1:1000 for human cell:bacterial cell number ratio) for 2 weeks. Monitoring of the M. arginini, EBV copies and CD19 antigen were measured by qPCR and flow cytometry, respectively. Results Spectacular transcript changes after M. arginini contamination were noted in GM13509 as compared to control cells after the first 72 h of incubation, ie inflammatory response gene transcripts significant decrease, especially of CD36 (from FC = 7.91 in control to −97.86 in mutated cells) and similarly of IL8 (141.26; −244), CBS (86.55; 21.68) and AQP9 (58.66; 2.59). The most increase of SLC1A2 (122.89; 143.20) transcript related to energy metabolism was discerned. However, Antigen CD19 presentation and the EBV copy number in both contaminated cell lines were reduced more effectively than in uncontaminated cells. More increase of M. arginini amount during 2-week co-culture was observed in cells with HTT mutation. Conclusions M. arginini can modulate inflammatory response and energy metabolism on the transcription level in B-lymphoid cells with HTT mutation.
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