The influence of single application of paracetamol and/or N-acetylcysteine on rats in subchronic exposition to trichloroethylene vapours. II. Effect on hepatic glutathione level Wpływ pojedynczej dawki paracetamolu i/lub N-acetylocysteiny na szczury przewlekle eksponowane na trichloroetylen. II. Wpływ na wątrobowy poziom glutationu

Background : Feature of modern existing hazards both environmental and occupational is cumulative exposure often leading to unexpected response of the organism resulting, among other things, in interactions with cytochrome P450 system involved in biotransfor mation of trichloroethylene and paracetamol. Hepato toxity of paracetamol is closely connected with hepatic glutathione level. „In therapy of acute paracetamol poi soning application of N-acetylcysteine as a factor, which protects GSH level in cells, is recommended.” Materials and method : Tests were performed on rats which were treated with trichloroethylene, paracetamol and/or N-acetylcysteine. In rat liver total level of glu tathione was determined i.e. reduced and oxidized form. Results : Paracetamol just after completion of the exposure affected the glutathione level. Trichloroethyl ene throughout the period of observation stimulated growth of glutathione level in liver. N-acetylcysteine
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