Meeting of Officers, Council Members, Committee Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen, 2:00 p.m., August 13, 1972, Tudor Room, Sir Francis Drake Hotel San Francisco, California

Mr. Hammond called the meeting to order at 2:00 p.m. The following Officers, Council Members, Committee Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen were present: J. O. Terrell Couch, Northcutt Ely, Burns H. Errebo, Terry N. Fiske, Carroll L. Gilliam, J. P. Hammond, Clyde R. Hampton, John B. Howerton, Robert Kxueger, Jesse Luton, Clyde O. Martz, Frank H. Morison, Joseph W. Morris, Cecil E. Munn, Jerome C. Muys, L. Clair Nelson, William C. Perry, John R. Rebman, Arthur Thad Smith, Oliver L. Stone, William K. Tell, Jr., John H. Tippit, Philip K. Verleger, Woollen H. Walshe, Norman J. Wiener, and Charles A. Zubieta. Others present were: Wm. N. Bonner, Alvin G. Greenwald, Raymond B. Holbrook, Charles B. Roe, Jr., George W. Selinger, and George Seward. Upon motion duly made and seconded, the Minutes of the MidYear Meeting held in Scottsdale, Arizona on January 22-23, 1972 were approved in the form previously circulated to members of the Council. Mr. Hammond introduced Kathleen S. Doyle, who has been designated to replace Louis Potter as Staff Member assigned to this Section. Mr. Potter has accepted a new assignment in the Chicago office of the American Bar Association. Mr. Hammond stated that resolutions on citizens suits have been prepared for presentation to the House of Delegates by the Section of Natural Resources Law, the Section of Corporation, Banking and Business Law and the Special Committee on Environmental Law. Clair Nelson, Section Delegate to the House of Delegates, reported that the Board of Governors had requested that a compromise resolution be drafted by the three sections; that attempts were made to do so, but that the Special Committee on Environmental Law has apparently decided not to compromise. He further stated that Mr. Verleger had been working with the Corporation, Banking and Business Law Section and that a
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