Molecular outflows observed with ALMA

Optical, infrared and radio (single dish and interferometric) observations of jets and outflows from newly formed stars have helped to improve our understanding of molecular outflows and the outflow/accretion connection. However, once the Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA) is completed, it will provide a significant increase in sensitivity and resolution at millimeter and sub-millimeter wavelengths that will allow astronomers to address critical issues that cannot be explored with established observatories. Of particular importance is that ALMA will recover both extended and compact emission from the large scale molecular cloud and outflows to compact cores and disks. Thus, we will be able to study the detailed kinematics of the outflows, entrainment properties, momentum transfer and feedback, and collimation. I will review our current observational limitations and provide examples of how ALMA will contribute to the study of molecular outflows in star forming regions.
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