Pengaruh Lama Usaha Dan Modal Usaha Terhadap Tingkat Pendapatan UMKM Di Kecamatan Serengan Surakarta

This research aims to (1) see the right time for the income level of MSMEs in Serengan Surakarta. (2) To see the effect of business capital on the income level of MSMEs in Serengan Surakarta. (3) To see the effect of business time and venture capital on the income level of MSMEs in Serengan Surakarta. The research method used is a quantitative method with a population of all MSME members in Serengan Surakarta District which is estimated to be 485. Samples were taken as many as 219 with simple random sampling technique. Data analysis techniques used are multiple linear regression analysis, t test, F test, and relative contribution. and effective help. The results of this study obtained the equation Y = 20.756 + 0.304 X1 + 0.448 X2. The conclusion is (1) There is a positive effect of business length on the income level of MSMEs. Based on the t test, it was obtained tcount> ttable, namely 5.017> 1.971 with a significant probability value ttable was 7.411> 1.971 with a significant probability value Ftable is 56.368> 3.04 and the significance probability value <0.005 is 0.000. (4) The coefficient of determination (R2) of 0.343 shows that the influence of length of business and working capital on the income level of MSMEs is 34.3%, the rest is from other variables. Which means that the longer a business actor runs his business, the more it will be received. And the greater the amount of capital that is spent to start a business, the more it will be received.
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